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Musical Instruments and Their Country of Origin

October 2, 2011

Countries around the globe vary in their culture, dress, language and customs. The countries of the world also differ in the instruments we play. Each is highly unique and played all over the world. This article features some of the most well known instruments and the country of their origin:

United States

America is well known for its Country and Western music making the banjo its most famous instrument. The banjo has become symbolic of South America’s heritage. It’s popularity around the world has continued to grow. With its unique sound, the banjo has played a huge part in popular American music for over 200 years.

African Instruments

Africa is known the world over for its amazing array of musical instruments, and none are more traditional and famous than the hand-held djembe drum. The djembe has since become popular worldwide and is played in drumming circles and schools.

Indian Instruments

The Sitar is north India’s most famous musical instrument. The sitar is a type of guitar which has seven strings. This musical instrument is well travelled – now being taught in the United Kingdom and United States.

Spanish Instruments

The perfect accompaniment to the native Flamenco dancing, Castanets are one of Spain’s most famous instruments. Through a series of rhythmic clicks these instruments are used to accompany the Flamenco dancing. Traditionally these instruments are made of wood but more modern versions tend to be made of fibreglass.

Instruments from Scotland

Scotland is, of course, the home of the bagpipes. This instrument is recognised the world over, for its unique sound and appearance. The bagpipes originated as an accompaniment to dances. The fact that the bagpipes are known for being difficult to play makes them even more appealing.


Australia is famous for many things including its wildlife and musical instruments. The didgeridoo is probably the most famous musical instrument. Rolf Harris helped raise the profile of the didgeridoo by featuring it on his TV show.

It becomes apparent how diverse the musical instruments of the world are. Musical instruments say a lot about different countries and their cultures, which is why it is good for children to learn about these instruments at school.

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